November/December 2024
November/December 2023
- Anastasia Shulik-Her determination, positive attitude, and resiliency
- Zachary Persinger-Master of insight and connection in biology
- Jason Acosta-Totally rockin' it their last term of high school
- Dylan Bossom-Emitting a very high amplitude light
- Della Brewer-Exceptional proof writing in geometry and data reasoning
- Edin Porcic-Consistently going above and beyond, as well as being a positive peer example in class
- Henry Hein-Thoughtful questions and attention to detail in ELA
- Ali Ceric-Critical thinking and general awesomeness
- Bea Curran-Incredible resilience, persistence and kindness toward the CMC Community
- Loreli Strout-Her willingness to take risks in the classroom and persist in the face of intellectual discomfort
- James Hamilton-A phenomenal start to his high school career
- Cash Walt-Using humor and determination to tackle writing assignments