Spring Trimester Information-3/18

March 18, 2021

Clackamas Middle College (CMC) Students and Parents,

The focus of this communication is to update families on: beginning our Spring Trimester after Spring Break, a brief change to our Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) Schedule for the Spring Trimester, and providing feedback on preferred Educational Models for their child during the Spring Trimester. 

Everyone in CMC’s College Prep Program will begin the Spring Trimester on Monday, March 29th in Comprehensive Distance Learning. Students in our college programs will either begin or continue to take online courses through CCC during the Spring Trimester.  Students can access their college schedule through their college account, or if they have any questions, they can contact their counselor for further guidance.

Students in CMC’s College Prep Program will report to their 1st Period at 8:30am on Monday, March 29th.  If students are confused as how to report to their 1st Period on Monday, March 29th, please have them follow the directions below to enter the CMC Virtual Commons at 8:15am on Monday morning, and we will get them to their CRS class.

  • Please click on the link below and follow the instructions to enter the Clackamas Middle College Virtual Commons for Monday, March 29th at 8:15am
    • CMC Virtual Commons
      • When you get into the CMC Virtual Commons, please click on the Meet link at the top of the page to get you into the CMC Virtual Commons to help you get to your assigned courses.

Once students enter the CMC Virtual Commons on Monday, March 29th, we will help them navigate to their classes.  It would also help for students to enter the CMC Virtual Commons at 8:15am, so we can get them to their 1st Period by 8:30am.

The CDL Schedule for the Spring Trimester will change briefly to allow for potential Hybrid Learning in late April, and to minimize any distractions that may occur during the pandemic.  The changes to the schedule (see Sample Student Spring Trimester Schedule) will allow for students to receive synchronous instruction (learning happens simultaneously when teachers and students interact through Google Meet through their class schedule) throughout the week during the morning from 8:30am-11:45am.  This includes Office Hour time for students needing extra support and guidance.

The afternoon time from 12:30pm-3:45pm will be for asynchronous and applied learning time (each student builds understanding with activities connected to the synchronous lesson).  The activities are intended to help students go deeper in their understanding of the lesson.

We will continue the same schedule as we have done throughout the year on Wednesdays.  Students will report to their College Readiness Seminar Class (synchronous) from 10:15-11:15am, and if students need any extra support or guidance, Office Hours are open from 11:15-11:45am.  The rest of the day on Wednesdays will be for applied learning and club activity.

To see a detailed version of the schedule, please click on the following document:

As mentioned earlier in this communication, everyone in our College Prep Program will begin the Spring Term in Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL).  As we move toward compliance of Governor Brown's directive to re-open schools, we will look to transition students and families (who choose) to a hybrid model if/when it occurs in April.  We will continue to run CDL for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year for those families choosing this option. 

In order to help with the planning and choice, we have created a brief survey to help capture family feedback.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to complete the Clackamas Middle College Family Survey-Education Models for Spring Term, please click on the link below at your convenience.

Our process will be updated as necessary to reflect the situation concerning the pandemic, and any changes and updates will be communicated to the CMC Community.

As always, thanks for your patience and flexibility in trying to help us serve each of our families.          

Take care and stay safe.                                                


Brian Sien, Ed.D.

Clackamas Middle College