Baile at Milwaukie High School for all NCSD Students on Friday, March 3rd - Perm. Slip Attached - RSVP to Karyn by Thursday, March 2nd

- What
- Baile at Milwaukie High School for all NCSD Students on Friday, March 3rd - Perm. Slip Attached - RSVP to Karyn by Thursday, March 2nd
- When
- 3/3/2023
- Where
- Milwaukie High School
Milwaukie High School's Ascension/Latinx Group is hosting a Baile for all NCSD students this Friday, March 3rd from 8:00pm - 11:00pm at Milwaukie High School. If you would like to attend, tickets are $15 until this Thursday and $20 at the door. Students must have NCSD school ID and can bring a guest from another school district with this form filled out: 2023 Ascension Baile Guest Permission Form.
- If you are interested in attending, please let me know no later than Thursday, March 2nd so I can add your name to the pre-approved student list!!