CEO & Pathways - Please turn in your textbooks to Crystal by Monday, Dec. 12th to avoid a fee

CEO & Pathways - Please turn in your textbooks to Crystal by Monday, Dec. 12th to avoid a fee

Please turn them in before/ by  Monday, December 12th

Please bring them to CMC, put them on my desk, put a sticky note with your name on the books so I can check them in. Please put them by my computer, NOT behind my desk, those are books already processed.  

If they are not turned in, you will be billed for the book
 These books are used by all students, so if you don't turn them in, we will have to replace them.

If you are needing to be reimbursed
Please fill out the pink reimbursement sheet 
(can be found at my desk by the bell schedules, also attached here if you choose to print it) 
Staple your original receipt to it and place it with the book
 along with a
* Place the book, reimbursement form with receipts attached next to my computer, please. 

I can NOT reimburse for Workbooks, Lab Manuals, Ebooks, Rentals, and/or Access Codes since these can not be reused. 

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