SBAC Testing for Juniors - (see letter below & attached) Math (Seniors work on work samples) No School for 9,10 & 12 CMC Students (CCC is open)

SBAC Testing for Juniors - (see letter below & attached) Math (Seniors work on work samples) No School for 9,10 & 12 CMC Students (CCC is open)

April 25, 2019


Clackamas Middle College Students and Parents,


This letter is to notify you of important upcoming dates to help complete important graduation requirements.  On Friday, May 3rd, and Friday, May 17th, we will be administering the Oregon Smarter Balanced State Assessment to all juniors enrolled in Clackamas Middle College.  Seniors who have testing or work samples remaining for graduation will need to attend these days as well.  All other students in our College Prep Program are not required to attend school on these days.


We will begin with the math and science assessments on Friday, May 3rd, followed by the English/language arts (ELA) assessment on Friday, May 17th.  Juniors are required to take both of these tests as evidence of their proficiency toward the “Essential Skills” graduation requirement.  These assessments will also show the level of effectiveness of our instructional programs and how they connect to state standards. 


Administering this test on Friday, May 3rd, and May 17th, allows us to ensure:

•        Fair and equitable testing for each student

•        Standardized test administration so that the testing environment is similar for all   


•        Test security and student confidentiality practices

•        Test validity and accuracy

•        Efficiency to minimize the burden for students, teachers, and school test coordinators


If you are a junior in any of our programs at CMC, plan on being here for the full day from 8:50am-2:50pm on both Friday, May 3rd, and May 17th.  Prior to the first activity, we will be providing breakfast snacks and beverages.  We also will be providing lunch to those who are interested prior to our testing in the afternoon.  We believe this will help all of our juniors perform to the best of their ability.


Thank you for your understanding and patience during these days as we prepare to wrap up another successful school year!



Brian Sien, Ed.D.


Clackamas Middle College

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