HD-100 College Survival (CT) Assignments

Kami Aguilar
Winter 2019
Pathways to College
This class provides strategies for creating college success including self-awareness, personal responsibility, understanding self-management, increasing motivation, meaningful goal setting, effective study habits, and use of on- and off-campus resources.
Important Links:
Winter 2019 Class Dates:
  • January 17th 
  • January 24th
  • January 31st - No Class at CMC: Attend WR-121
  • February 7th 
  • February 14th 
  • February 21st
  • February 28th
  • March 7th
  • March 14th
  • March 21st - No Class: Finals Week


Assignment Calendar

Upcoming Assignments RSS Feed

No upcoming assignments.

Past Assignments



Following Assignment DUE (shared via Google doc) Thursday, January 24th:
  1. Review the attached Google Slides regarding your HD-100 Group Project Assignment.
  2. Review the attached HD-100 Final Group Presentation: Assignment & Guidelines
  3. Meet with your assigned group members during class time on Thursday, January 24th to complete the following assignment. Group assignments are listed in the attached Google slides.
  4. As a group, identify one member to start a Google Doc. Create a K/W/L chart like the one shown in the attached Google slides.
  5. Google Doc Title: K/W/L Chart - Assigned Group Project Topic (i.e. K/W/L Chart - Study Strategies)
  6. Share the Google Doc with all of your group members (use NClack email addresses)
  7. Brainstorm the “K” and the “W” of the Group Project topic you’ve been assigned. Do not fill in the “L” yet. List as many things related to your assigned topic as you can.
  8. Complete the chart as thoroughly as possible. Once complete, share your Google doc with me: [email protected]