5th Per- HE-250: Personal Health Assignments

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Unit 4 Study Guide in Google Classroom

Unit 4 Study Guide

10 points extra credit if you complete it 100%

I don't care if you do a paper version or digital version. Either way it is due when class starts on Thursday


Unit 4 Test in Google Classroom

Unit 4 Test


Unit 4 INB in Google Classroom

Unit 4 INB


Unit 4 Awareness Poster Project in Google Classroom

Unit 4 Awareness Poster Project

Due at the BEGINNING of class on Tuesday


SMART Goal Reflection in Google Classroom

SMART Goal Reflection

It is important to answer these questions in complete sentences and provide as much detail as possible, the more information you give, the better the grade you will receive. This assignment is worth 3 weekly journal entries


Unit 4 Quiz 1 in Google Classroom

Unit 4 Quiz 1

If you were absent and would like to complete this. Please email or check in with Mrs. Andrews to set up a time to do so


Week 7 Goal Reflection Journal in Google Classroom

Week 7 Goal Reflection Journal

Use the provided document to reflect on your progress towards your goal
Due by 11:59pm on SUNDAY 11/21


Fed Up Documentary Reflection in Google Classroom

Fed Up Documentary Reflection


Unit 3 Study Guide in Google Classroom

Unit 3 Study Guide

You may choose to complete a paper copy (provided in class) or a digital copy (just make your own copy of the provided doc and save with your name). The study guide is due on Friday BEFORE the test.


Unit 3 Nutrition INB in Google Classroom

Unit 3 Nutrition INB


Unit 3 Test in Google Classroom

Unit 3 Test


Family Movie Night EXTRA CREDIT in Google Classroom

Family Movie Night EXTRA CREDIT

THIS IS EXTRA CREDIT- it is not a required assignment.


Week 6 Goal Reflection Journal in Google Classroom

Week 6 Goal Reflection Journal


Use the provided document to reflect on your progress towards your goal
Due by 11:59pm on WEDNESDAY 11/17


Reflection- Frontline: The Trouble Chicken in Google Classroom

Reflection- Frontline: The Trouble Chicken


Dieting and Weight Loss KWL in Google Classroom

Dieting and Weight Loss KWL


Week 5 Goal Reflection Journal in Google Classroom

Week 5 Goal Reflection Journal

Use the provided document to reflect on your progress towards your goal or week 3
Due by 11:59pm on Sunday 11/7


Micronutrient Deficiency Project in Google Classroom

Micronutrient Deficiency Project

If you are creating a digital project, will need to make a personal copy of the completed group project before attaching it and submitting.


Unit 3 Quiz 2 in Google Classroom

Unit 3 Quiz 2

Lessons 6-8


Food Label in Google Classroom

Food Label

In Person Students: Mark as done on google classroom and bring your food label to class by Thursday
Online/At Home Students: Attach a photo of your food label from home or show me via your computer camera in class on Thursday.


Week 4 Goal Reflection Journal in Google Classroom

Week 4 Goal Reflection Journal

Use the provided document to reflect on your progress towards your goal or week 3
Due by 11:59pm on Sunday 10/31


Unit 3 Quiz 1 in Google Classroom

Unit 3 Quiz 1


Fats Jamboard in Google Classroom

Fats Jamboard


Week 3 Goal Reflection Journal in Google Classroom

Week 3 Goal Reflection Journal

Use the provided document to reflect on your progress towards your goal or week 3
Due by 11:59pm on Sunday 10/24


Teach Every Child About Food Reflection in Google Classroom

Teach Every Child About Food Reflection

Follow directions on provided document and upload your reflection before submitting.


Unit 2 INB in Google Classroom

Unit 2 INB


Unit 2 Study Guide in Google Classroom

Unit 2 Study Guide

10 points extra credit if you have everything completed. 

In person students: turn in to Mrs. Andrews before the test and click the blue "turn in" button on google classroom by class time on Wednesday so I can sync your grade effectively. 
At home students: attach your personal copy of the study guide and turn in on Google classroom before class time on Wednesday


Unit 2 Test in Google Classroom

Unit 2 Test


Exercise Program Project in Google Classroom

Exercise Program Project


Week 2 Goal Reflection Journal in Google Classroom

Week 2 Goal Reflection Journal

Use the provided document to reflect on your progress towards your goal for the week of 10/3-10/9
Due by 11:59pm on Sunday 10/17


Week 1 Goal Reflection Journal in Google Classroom

Week 1 Goal Reflection Journal

Use the provided document to reflect on your progress towards your goal for the week of 10/3-10/9
Due by 11:59pm on Sunday 10/10


Unit 2 Quiz 1 in Google Classroom

Unit 2 Quiz 1


Health Long Term Goal in Google Classroom

Health Long Term Goal

Use the provided document to write (revise) your health related goal.
You will keep track of your progress for the next 8 weeks and then evaluate your progress towards your goal.