6th Period - College Readiness w/ Ameena, Katie, and Victor-Wed @ 10:15-11:15 Assignments

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Final Project- For Love or Money in Google Classroom

Final Project- For Love or Money

Final deadline for Love or Money project is midnight tonight (6/16)! We must turn in our grades, so we cannot grade it after that. Thank you!

Here you will find the project directions, the poetry video for inspiration, the rubric we will use to grade your project, and the spreadsheet that shows which project you chose.

When you are ready to turn your project in, please use the "Add" or "Create" buttons to add it to this assignment. Thanks!


Article #4 Exit Ticket in Google Classroom

Article #4 Exit Ticket

1. What was one myth that your were surprised to find wasn’t true?
2. How does the information in this article influence your own decision making process when it comes to choosing a major?

Reminder: Please turn in your annotated article so we can see you were here and participating!


Article #4- "Six Myths About Choosing a College Major" in Google Classroom

Article #4- "Six Myths About Choosing a College Major"

This is the 4th article in our "For Love or Money" unit.
We'll read the article during class today, and make notes in the right hand column. Once you have done this, please turn this assignment in. That will show us that you have been participating. Thanks!


Article #3- "Community-College Students Succeed at Elite Schools" in Google Classroom

Article #3- "Community-College Students Succeed at Elite Schools"

This is the 3rd article in our "For Love or Money" unit.
We'll read the article during class today, and make notes in the right hand column. Once you have done this, please turn this assignment in. That will show us that you have been participating. Thanks!


Article #3 Exit Ticket in Google Classroom

Article #3 Exit Ticket

What is one major take away for you after reading these articles so far?


Article #2- "Students at Most Colleges Don't Pick Useless Majors" in Google Classroom

Article #2- "Students at Most Colleges Don't Pick Useless Majors"

This is the 2nd article in our "For Love or Money" unit.
We read the article during class today, and made notes in the right hand column. Once you have done this, please turn this assignment in. Thanks!


What questions do you have about Pathways to College and/or the Independent Learner Rubric? in Google Classroom

What questions do you have about Pathways to College and/or the Independent Learner Rubric?