T2 College Transition Support-220032730-21 Assignments

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3.5.2021 Exit Slip: Resume Building in Google Classroom

3.5.2021 Exit Slip: Resume Building


2.26.2021 Exit Slip: Myers-Briggs & Careers in Google Classroom

2.26.2021 Exit Slip: Myers-Briggs & Careers

- Go to Truity.com
- Click on “Myers-Briggs Types”
- Click on your type
- Click on the “Careers” heading
- Scroll to “Top Careers for the ….” and read to the bottom of the page
- Identify 3 careers from those listed that you are interested in researching more.
- Click on each of the 3 you identified and review the information provided.
- After review the info, rank the 3 careers you identified in order of preference at this time


Informational Interviewing Write Up in Google Classroom

Informational Interviewing Write Up

Assignment Instructions Attached


Exit Slip: The Myers Briggs Personality Test - 2.19.2021 in Google Classroom

Exit Slip: The Myers Briggs Personality Test - 2.19.2021


Link: The Myers Briggs Personality Test in Google Classroom

Link: The Myers Briggs Personality Test

1. Click on the “Personality Test of Myers & Briggs' 16 Types” link attached below.

2. To take the personality test, mark your answers based on how well each statement describes you.

3. On the results page, you will first see your top 3 personality type codes. Then you will see the “Elements of Your Personality” section showing you your percentage breakdown of the four major dimensions.

4. Use the "Myers & Briggs' 16 Personality Types" link to review your top 3 personality types.

5. Complete the Exit Slip using your results page and the information you reviewed about your top 3 personality type codes.


Exit Slip: College Planning CRS Lesson - Goal Setting Form in Google Classroom

Exit Slip: College Planning CRS Lesson - Goal Setting Form


Exit Slip: The Enneagram Personality Test Results - 2.5.2021 in Google Classroom

Exit Slip: The Enneagram Personality Test Results - 2.5.2021


Link: Enneagram Personality Test in Google Classroom

Link: Enneagram Personality Test

Follow the steps to complete the Enneagram Personality Test:

1. Click on the “Enneagram Personality Test” link below.

2. To take the Enneagram test, mark each statement based on how well it describes your personality. Choose your answers based on how you really are, not how you would like to be.

3. On the results, each of the nine types will have a percent (%) match. Using the percentages, determine your 3 highest matches, and record your 3 highest matches on the Exit Slip: The Enneagram Personality Test Results - 2.5.2021.


Exit Slip: Holland Code - 01.29.2021 in Google Classroom

Exit Slip: Holland Code - 01.29.2021


Holland Code Career Assessment "Full Results" Upload in Google Classroom

Holland Code Career Assessment "Full Results" Upload

Complete the Holland Code Career Assessment Assignment first.


Holland Code Career Assessment Assignment in Google Classroom

Holland Code Career Assessment Assignment

Click on the “Career Assessment” link attached below.
1. Select the “Detailed Assessment” with 60 Questions
2. Answer questions as quickly and honestly as you can. Do not overthink.
3. Once you receive your results, click “Download Full Results” on the right hand side of the screen.
4. Read your "Full Results" report and use the information to complete the Exit Slip.
5. Upload your “Full Results” pdf to the "Upload" assignment in the Google Classroom.


Exit Slip: 01.22.2021 - Informational Interview Worksheet in Google Classroom

Exit Slip: 01.22.2021 - Informational Interview Worksheet

1. Read & study BLS Informational Interviewing article.

2. Review Informational Interviewing Video

3. Complete the Informational Interviewing Worksheet - Due


01.15.2021 - Exit Slip: 7 Strange Questions that Help Your Find Your Life Purpose by M. Manson in Google Classroom

01.15.2021 - Exit Slip: 7 Strange Questions that Help Your Find Your Life Purpose by M. Manson

After reading the article, "7 Strange Questions that Help You Find Your Life Purpose," answer each of the 7 questions from your point of view on the Exit Slip/Google Form. 50 to 100 words per question.


A Recommitment to Pathways  in Google Classroom

A Recommitment to Pathways

Please review complete the attached Pathways to College Contract form to recommitment to the expectations of the Pathways program for winter term.