2nd Period REACH: First Amendment(2)-Synch: Monday/Thursday @ 10:15am Assignments

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Past Assignments


3/15 Padlet Discussion in Google Classroom

3/15 Padlet Discussion


3/11 Hypothetical Example #2 in Google Classroom

3/11 Hypothetical Example #2

Google Form Discussion in small groups. One student from each group has access to the form and will type their group's answers after having a discussion.


3/11 Attendance data in Google Classroom

3/11 Attendance data

no impact on student grade


Case Study 2 in Google Classroom

Case Study 2

Make a copy and submit. Another technology error (did not make each student their own copy) by your teacher...


3/8 Attendance in Google Classroom

3/8 Attendance

does not impact student grade


3/8 Padlet Discussion Part 2 in Google Classroom

3/8 Padlet Discussion Part 2

Fourth and Fifth intervals


3/4 Attendance in Google Classroom

3/4 Attendance

no impact on student grade


3/4 Padlet Discussion part 1 in Google Classroom

3/4 Padlet Discussion part 1


3/2 Tinker v Des Moines in Google Classroom

3/2 Tinker v Des Moines

make a copy of the assignment and submit. I apologize for not making a copy for each student.


3/1 Attendance in Google Classroom

3/1 Attendance

no impact on student grade


3/1 Hypothetical Example #1 in Google Classroom

3/1 Hypothetical Example #1

assigned as a group assignment in class (one student in each group will receive a link to the google form assignment). Need to email me for a copy of you missed class.


Freedom of Religion Scenario 1 in Google Classroom

Freedom of Religion Scenario 1

Watch the video and answer the questions. Review Freedom of Religion handout if you need more information about the First Amendment and religion.

If you have trouble accessing the video via Youtube, use the following edpuzzle link. You may need to create a free account.



2/25 Tinker v Des Moines Part 2 in Google Classroom

2/25 Tinker v Des Moines Part 2

Video Links will be added during class and can be accessed via google slides. A separate document with the links to the videos we watched in class will be provided after class. We will complete the rest of the handout....from clip 4 to clip 10


2/25 Attendance in Google Classroom

2/25 Attendance

Does not impact student grade


Introduction to Freedom of Religion in Google Classroom

Introduction to Freedom of Religion

Use the information from the "Freedom of Religion" document to answer the questions. The questions are not necessarily in order. Make sure to write your answers in your own words.


2/22 Attendance in Google Classroom

2/22 Attendance

No impact on student overall grade


2/22 Tinker v. Des  Moines Part 1 in Google Classroom

2/22 Tinker v. Des Moines Part 1

Video Links will be added during class and can be accessed via google slides. A separate document with the links to the videos we watched in class will be provided after class. Finish the brainstorm and Introduction sections....we will finish the remaining questions on Thursday.


Article 2 "Freedom of Speech in the News" in Google Classroom

Article 2 "Freedom of Speech in the News"

Due on Friday. Instructions are in the document.


2/11 Engagement and Exit Ticket in Google Classroom

2/11 Engagement and Exit Ticket


2/11 Attendance in Google Classroom

2/11 Attendance

does not impact student grade


Feb 8 Exit Ticket in Google Classroom

Feb 8 Exit Ticket


Feb 8 Attendance in Google Classroom

Feb 8 Attendance

does not impact student grade


Freedom of Speech Essay Analysis Questions in Google Classroom

Freedom of Speech Essay Analysis Questions

Based on information from the annotated essay.


2/4 Attendance in Google Classroom

2/4 Attendance

Does not impact student grade


Freedom of Speech Overview Part 2 in Google Classroom

Freedom of Speech Overview Part 2


Freedom of Speech and the Press Annotated Article in Google Classroom

Freedom of Speech and the Press Annotated Article

Read and annotate article. Directions are in the article. Will be an asynchronous assignment due next Tuesday


Breakout Room Discussion 2/1 in Google Classroom

Breakout Room Discussion 2/1

If you are absent you still must answer the questions.


Freedom of Speech Overview Part 1 in Google Classroom

Freedom of Speech Overview Part 1


2/1 Attendance in Google Classroom

2/1 Attendance

does not impact student grade


Freedom of Speech in the News in Google Classroom

Freedom of Speech in the News

Follow the directions in the attached document. Make a new document and attach when your submit the assignment.


1/28 Attendance in Google Classroom

1/28 Attendance

no impact on student grade


Big Six Exit Ticket in Google Classroom

Big Six Exit Ticket


1/25 Attendance in Google Classroom

1/25 Attendance

Does not impact student grade


Big Six Ideas in Primary Documents in Google Classroom

Big Six Ideas in Primary Documents

Worked on in-class, Thursday. Complete by Friday. If you were absent, email me for your assigned primary document.


1/21 Attendance Data in Google Classroom

1/21 Attendance Data

Does not impact student's overall grade


Founders' Social Network in Google Classroom

Founders' Social Network

Based on the information you researched about your Founding Father and the information presented by other students in the Jamboard and Padlet discussions from last Thursday. Be sure to provide explanations with evidence.


Big Six Ideas Frayer Model in Google Classroom

Big Six Ideas Frayer Model

Follow the directions in the slides and video.


1/14 Attendance Data in Google Classroom

1/14 Attendance Data

Does not impact overall grade


Founder's Social Network Handout in Google Classroom

Founder's Social Network Handout

Follow directions on the handout. See video for additional help.


1/11 Attendance in Google Classroom

1/11 Attendance

Does not impact student grades.


Mapping the Constitution Discussion in Google Classroom

Mapping the Constitution Discussion

Evaluate your participation based on an assigned Padlet Discussion in-class today. Padlet links will be provided in-class. If you missed class, write a summary of the video, in addition to writing your answers to three questions, in detail.


Mapping the Constitution in Google Classroom

Mapping the Constitution

This is the 2nd asynchronous assignment for the week. Follow the directions in the video if you have any questions. Email after watching the video if you still have questions.


Seminar Participation in Google Classroom

Seminar Participation

Click on the Padlet link
Make sure to log-in to Padlet with your Nclack Google Account, so that your name is posted when you make a comment (otherwise it will be anonymous and you won’t get credit).
To make new comments, click on the pink + button in the bottom right of the page.

Please review the documents attached. The CDL Seminar-Style Discussion....document provides detailed information about the goals and structure of your comments in the discussion. The Seminar (Padlet) Discussion Board doc. is a reminder of what you need to do each time you post a comment.


1/7 Attendance in Google Classroom

1/7 Attendance

Based on attendance and meaningful participation in the synchronous learning activities. This does not impact student grades, but it is a data collection tool.


Seminar Preparation in Google Classroom

Seminar Preparation

We will review this article and the task in the first synchronous session. Don't submit until after class. This is the first asynchronous assignment for the week. Watch the video for directions. Email me if you still have questions after watching the video.


1/4 Attendance in Google Classroom

1/4 Attendance

Based on attendance and meaningful participation in the synchronous learning activities. This does not impact student grades, but is a data collection tool.


Syllabus Review in Google Classroom

Syllabus Review

Answer the questions based on the rubric. Follow the directions.