Junior College Readiness Seminar(6)-Meeting Day: Wednesday @ 10:15-11:15 Assignments

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New Assignment 12/16/2020 11:16:31 AM in Google Classroom

New Assignment 12/16/2020 11:16:31 AM


12/9 Participation in Google Classroom

12/9 Participation


Self-Care Plan and Wellness Goals in Google Classroom

Self-Care Plan and Wellness Goals


Debate Graphic Organizer 2 in Google Classroom

Debate Graphic Organizer 2

Follow the instructions as we go through the slides. Complete before by 12/1 (the day before our next meeting).


Individual Debate Brainstorm Graphic Organizer in Google Classroom

Individual Debate Brainstorm Graphic Organizer


11/4 Debate Position Support in Google Classroom

11/4 Debate Position Support


10/28 Check for Understanding in Google Classroom

10/28 Check for Understanding


CRS Rubric in Google Classroom

CRS Rubric

Complete the rubric based on how you did today in CRS class. Highlight the number in each category that you feel best reflects your demonstration of that skill.


College Ready Skills for all other non-CRS classes in Google Classroom

College Ready Skills for all other non-CRS classes

Complete this rubric based on how you are doing in all your other classes. Highlight the number in each category that you feel best reflects your demonstration of that skill.


10/7 CRS Pathways Interest in Google Classroom

10/7 CRS Pathways Interest


9/23 CRS Exit Ticket in Google Classroom

9/23 CRS Exit Ticket


Time Management and Organization CRS Rubric in Google Classroom

Time Management and Organization CRS Rubric

Assess your CRS skills based on the criteria provided in the "Time Management and Organization" Rubric. List the characteristics that reflect your level. You will probably list characteristics in more than one scoring criteria (you do things listed in 2, 3, and 4, for example). Average your score each category. If I have listed more 4 attributes than 3 attributes in "uses time productively", I might give myself a score of 4. Be honest with your assessment.


9/16 Participation in Google Classroom

9/16 Participation


Flipgrid Introduction and Two Responses in Google Classroom

Flipgrid Introduction and Two Responses

Post a video introduction of yourself. Respond to, at least, two other student videos. These responses do not have to be long....just provide a comment, like "Hello Ryan, I, too, love arguing."