Please let Karyn know by email or in person that you want to register for a Skills Competition Event or the Senior Incentive by Friday 2/3. All events take place between 8:30-2:00on Thursday February 23rd.

Please let Karyn know by email or in person that you want to register for a Skills Competition Event or the Senior Incentive by Friday 2/3. All events take place between 8:30-2:00on Thursday February 23rd.

Hello CMC Students!!

CCC main campus is offering a day of exciting Career and College activities for high school students on Thursday, February 23rdWe encourage all of you to participate and take advantage of this opportunity to show your skills, learn new skills, and explore your future career possibilities! We had several CMC students WIN competitions last year, so come represent!

All classes at the Oregon City campus are canceled until 4:00 pm (Harmony is open and running on a normal schedule). Pick up an informational booklet in Karyn's office and read more about the competition and events here: Check out this video promoting this year's event. 

What's happening:
  • CLACKAMAS REGIONAL SKILLS CONTEST - compete with other high school students from all over Clackamas County in your best skills!!! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes are 12 FREE CCC Credits plus recognition in the region for winning! Please see Karyn no later than Friday, 2/3 to register for your chosen event. Click on this link and click on "Contests" for full descriptions of competitions or pick up a booklet in Karyn's office. Some have pre-event requirements. The sooner you register, the better to ensure you have a spot!

    Competitions will be held in:

    Accounting, Art-Visual, Automotive, Biology, Broadcast Journalism, Business Technology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Ed, Education/Teaching, Electronics, Engineering, Geology, Graphic Design, Health Sciences, Horticulture, Job Interviewing Skills, Journalism, Leadership, Manufacturing Tech, Mathematics, Music, Renewable Energy Technology, Social Science, Spelling Bee, Theater Arts, Video Production, Welding, World Language 
  • Want to connect with someone in your field? Attend the Youth Career Expo 2017 - from 8:30-12:00 in Randall Gym - meet representatives from regional businesses, colleges/universities, apprenticeships/trade programs, & other career pathways. Do not miss this opportunity to meet real people in real careers! CMC will be taking a small group of students to the Career Expo, please see Karyn asap if you are interested in joining us. CEO students can attend on their own if you do not have a class conflict and do not need transportation to and from campus.

  • Need free college credits? Participate in Senior Incentive (seniors only) - Get a tuition waiver for 4 FREE CCC college credits for Summer 2017 to continue working on your college degree. You must notify Karyn by next Friday, 2/3 to register for an info session on how to earn the tuition credits.

  • Looking for a job? Get registered with iMatchSkills through WorkSource Clackamas to show employers you are ready for work. You can also take a pre-test at the Career Expo to see if you are eligible to earn the National Career Readiness Certificate which shows employers you will be a valuable asset to their organization. 
Please let Karyn know by email or in person that you want to register for a Skills Competition Event or the Senior Incentive by Friday 2/3. All events take place between 8:30-2:00on Thursday February 23rd.

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