Student of the Month
» May 2024
May 2024
- Johnny Andres-Asking for help and excellent assessments
- Adrian Bejan-Quiet Excellence in Math 111
- Nathan Lukashov-Drastic improvement in engagement and setting a good example for peers
- Adam Es-Sahb-Geometric excellence
- Aidan Gondim-Starting off strong at CMC
- Tiffany Nguyen-Finding her voice through writing
- Sabrina Kahl-Hard work and dedication to her academic success
- Stacy Dudrov-Showing persistence and commitment to her goals
- Ruth Gavrishov-Exploring new horizons and learning new skills
- Sylvia Hopic-A strong start to the Pathways: Career Tech Program
- Valery Vakarchuk-A strong start to the Pathways: Transfer Program
- Jhuzue Lopez-Commitment to academic excellence in all classes
- Kim Lopez-An incredible 12th grade year as a pathways student at CMC
- Sofia Salnikov-Outstanding effort to improve student skills and getting the work done
- Mary Vasilchenko-Making every student feel accepted and welcomed
- Olena Rusu-Using her time wisely to work productively with beautiful handwriting and style